The Gorilla Press, Issue 152 Year

The gift of violence is here! Read rickson’s review Book update. First off, I want to thank everyone for their interest and patience. Like every

The Gorilla Press, Issue 146

Paul Sharp On MDOC 2 “ YO Heading to Dallas this weekend to teach MDOC 2.0⁣ What is MDOC 2.0? And why call it 2.0?

The Gorilla Press, Issue 145

SBG Texas Leading The Way In New SBG Territory This sends a strong message to anyone who believes that you need a competition oriented gym

Beginning of SBG

SBG began officially in Portland Oregon, in 1992 – when its founder and head coach, Matt Thornton, had an epiphany regarding exactly what type of environment he himself wanted to train in. To quote Matt: “I wanted to learn how to really fight. If that meant an Asian martial art, I would do that. If that meant […]

The Gorilla Press, Issue 144

Camp Is Back For those of you that missed out make sure you register early for the next one. Here’s a sneak peak of Matt’s

The Gorilla Press, Issue 143

Early registration for Spring Camp ends TODAYApril 1st-3rd we are hosting SBG Spring Camp right here at SBG Alabama. #rolltribe Three days of world-class instruction

The Gorilla Press, Issue 142

From coach John Frankl. “Last evening at SBG HQ. Matt Thornton and I discussed much of this over the past few days… Jiu jitsu, once

The Gorilla Press, Issue 141

The Cold Reality Of Violence In The USA Right Now From Matt Thornton –‘More than a dozen American cities set all time murder records in

The Gorilla Press, Issue 140

SBG Nearly A Year After Covid SBG’s around the globe are coming back in force. We owe it to all of you for your continued support

The Gorilla Press, Issue 139

November 8th and the release of The Universal Sprawl, By John Frankl. Coach Matt on The Universal Sprawl- “Coming next Monday, Nov 8th!Did you know