Let's Get Started!
It’s been said that ‘imitation is the highest form of flattery.’
If that’s true, SBG has been the recipient of countless compliments from our competitors. When SBG started in Portland, over 25 years ago, people were teaching Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, and other, similar arts, but almost no one was teaching BOXING – the grandfather of all functional striking arts, for self-defense.
SBG was the exception.
Boxing, and its cousins, Kickboxing and Muay Thai – are the most EFFECTIVE striking arts ever developed! Whether it’s for self-defense or competition – these arts are POWERFUL, and they’ve been PROVEN to work. Now, more than 25 years later, there is no shortage of place that ‘claim’ to teach these amazing arts.
But none have the track record of SBG.
Our Proud History
Since 1992, SBG has a long, World renowned, history of success. Our professional coaches have built up, not just world champions – but everyday people – people just like YOU.
People who wanted to learn how to box, kickbox, and use these arts for self-defense, fitness, and confidence. Most people don’t plan on being a “world-class competitor”. Most people just want to have fun, lose a few pounds, and learn practical self-defense.
Our classes are designed specifically to create an environment that allows anyone – regardless of”
- Experience
- Fitness level
- Or age
The opportunity to build up a skill, in a sustainable – SAFE – and HEALTHY way.
A Safe Place For Training
The places that teach these arts often have a negative connotation of being overly aggressive, dangerous, or filled with “meat heads”.
That is the opposite of what you’ll find at SBG. At SBG we focus on making REAL BOXING skills attainable for everyone.
OUR GOAL is to help the smaller, weaker, older, and less athletic – become stronger, faster, healthier, and more athletic – for a better, happier life.
In our boxing classes, you’ll get just that.
A SAFE environment to learn the skills you need, while getting the great workout you want!
CALL NOW and schedule a FREE private consultation with one of our professional coaches, and try out a FREE class!