Matt Heads To Montana

Each year Matt does a seminar circuit and Montana is always a priority on the list. His visit to Kalispell typically is accompanied by land mark belt promotions and this years visit was no different.
Two of SBG’s Youngest Black Belts
“I awarded my eleventh and twelfth black belt on Saturday. At nineteen Ricky and Stella Davison are now the youngest members of SBG to earn the rank of black belt in Jiu Jitsu. They are also the first twins and first sister and brother at SBG to share the rank. They have been training and competing for fifteen years and coaching for the last few years. Today Ricky opens @sbgbozeman and Stella flies back to Rhode Island to pursue her Olympic dream. I couldn’t be prouder of these two amazing human beings.” -Travis Davison

Frankl and Thornton on Fundamentals
Matt’s review of last months podcast.“July’s SBG Video Podcast is here.This month I talk with 5th degree Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt, SBG coach, and pioneer of BJJ in Korea, John Frankl.We discuss:– The fundamental movements of BJJ.– Why fundamentals are rarely taught.– Differences in Rickson Gracie’s BJJ.– Training with coach Henry Akins.– How John explains “connection.”– Why you don’t want grip dependency.– Old school VS New school BJJ.– John Danaher’s approach.– The modern leg-lock game.– John’s training schedule in Korea.– John’s experience in JKD Concepts.– John’s top advice for students.– The 99% fallacy.– His vision for his new BJJ Videos.+ much, much more.We appreciate the shares. Make sure you subscribe. And thank you for your support!” -Matt ThorntonWhat Chris Papandria said about last months podcast“Always love listening to these two. Very excited to see the Wizard’s, @john_frankl instructionals come out. I also think that these two have it spot on…. The older we get, and the older we get in the art, the more we all want to gravitate more towards the @ricksongraciejj jiu jitsu that made him legendary. A person can only invert or utilize athleticism for so long. Head over to YouTube to watch this months SBG podcast with @aliveness_ape and John Frankl.” -Chris PapandriaStay tuned to SBGU as Frankl’s instructional will be coming soon.
Mastering The Mount 2 – ESCAPE
Last month we saw the release of Matt’s second series on the mount “ESCAPE”. Check out the preview and click below for more info.
Here’s what Matt Thornton had to say about the series.
“Each year I produce one instructional series. The process is generally the same. I pick one topic to focus on for the entire year. I structure it solely around the core fundamentals – not always what’s most “basic,” but always what’s most important – and I arrange it in order that will benefit students the most.I then go on to teach that seminar to dozens of groups all over the world, over and over. Each time I finish a weekend I end up changing it a bit. I rearrange things. I take things out. I add things in. I see what works best and what doesn’t. I watch what mistakes are most common. I look for what people find most useful.By the end of the year I’ve assembled the best possible curriculum that I can. I have something I’m proud of, and then, I film it.Because of the time limitation in a weekend seminar, I’m never able to teach all of it, everywhere. Large chunks get omitted. I don’t have those limitations when filming. Other SBG black belts and students fly in, we lock the gym for two days, and I put down on video the entire lesson plan, with nothing left out – every detail, every drill.Whether you attended the mount escape seminar or not, I promise you’ll see material here that we didn’t have time for that will improve your game.These instructionals are designed for both students and teachers. I not only show the most important fundamentals, I also discuss teaching them, and I walk you through the Alive drills that will ingrain the timing and mechanics.This year’s video series is now out. Mastering The Mount 2 – Escape.
I appreciate you sharing it on social media, and within your community. It helps a lot.We have a temporary discount code for early customers. Type in:imgettingoutAnd save some money.As always, thanks for your support. Per aspera ad astra!”
Fall Camp Early Enrollment Ends Soon!

The Seminar Circuit Continues in Buford

Rory Singer and Phillipe Gentry On Matt’s New Seminar Series
as a great day to say the least. Awesome BJJ, spending time with some of my favorite people, spending time with the Buford Tribe, eating good food with great company, seeing my friends new house, and getting a sneak peak of my friend’s future new gym. It’s not everyday that you accomplish so much awesome.” – Rory Singer

ow much I grow as a martial artist. This weekend was no different. It’s amazing that after 18 years of practicing Jiu Jitsu that I still have so many ah-ha moments. I’m honored to learn under Coach Matt and even more so to receive another stripe from him. Thank you to everyone that came out to support the seminar. The Tribe is STRONG!!It was great seeing so many familiar faces and meeting some new ones. I hope you all got as much from it as I did.” – Phillipe Gentry
Matt On Awarding Black Belt Stripes
“One of my great privileges as a coach is awarding our black belts their stripes.As most of you know once you’re a black belt the stripes reflect time in grade. In many associations they come automatically with time. That’s not how I do it.For me it’s about how that time was used.Have you been passing along the art you spent decades learning to others?Have you been building a strong community?Have you been helping good people become more dangerous to bad ones?Have you been helping those who need Jiu-Jitsu the most, acquire these skills?Did you advance the art, its training methods and pedagogy?Were you contributing to the tribe?If so those stripes are well earned. If not, what does it really mean?Coach Phillipe represents the best of this standard. He’s been teaching full time, and building a thriving and growing community. He’s helped all kinds of people learn and benefit from our art. He’s been an excellent ambassador for Jiu-Jitsu. And he is still training, still on the mat, injured or healthy, week after week, month after month, year after year.That’s what it’s all about.For those reasons it was an honor to recognize his third stripe today. SBG is stronger thanks to his contributions.”