Matt On Cleared Hot
“I had the privilege of being on Andy Stumpf’s Cleared Hot podcast recently, with John Frankl and Travis Davison.
We talk about the early days of BJJ, the first American black belts, the evolution of the art, police shootings, defunding the police, Portland, politics, violence, and much-much more.
This was also the first time I’ve ever talked in depth about the content of my upcoming book.”
August SBG Podcast
“August’s SBG Video Podcast is here!This month I talk to kickboxer, Muay Thai, and JKD instructor Mark Stewart.Mark’s been around the JKD world for decades. He was a competitive kickboxer, the senior student of Ted LucayLucay, and later, a student of Ted Wong, one of Bruce Lee’s students. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge, and it was a pleasure to talk with him. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as well.Make sure you subscribe, and share. Thank you, and enjoy!” – Matt Thornton
Growing Gorillas Podcast With Coach Jon Boone And His Better Half Jamie
Let your kids fail. You can’t protect your child from the world but you can prepare them for it.
John Boone is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a coach, and a chef. Jaime Boone was a preschool teacher for seventeen years. Together they owned a gym in California before moving to Montana. They have been married for sixteen years.Note: this episode is audio only.
Listen to wherever you get your podcasts

Coach Paul Sharp Visits PDX And Films For SBGU
“SBG coach Paul Sharp, doing what he does best. Helping good people become dangerous to bad people.Today we’re filming a dry fire instructional. It will be available in the future through SBGU.” – Matt Thornton“Well executed violence – fighting well – always revolves around mastery of the fundamentals. This is true whether we are talking about hand-to-hand, or weapons.With firearms, things like grip, trigger pull, and alignment are universal keys. Here’s a sneak peek into some of the solid gold that coach Paul Sharp is laying down on video on that topic, right now, at SBG University.”

“Carry a Sharp stick”
“From coach Paul Sharp’s seminar this weekend: Edged, impact, projectile weapons – one, two, or more opponents – from harsh words to handgrenades. SBG prepares you for all. And remember, as a combat athlete, YOU are the Savannah Lion. Violence is what we do everyday. The Zoo Lions are the ones who tell you do “sports.”

Coach Cane’s Seminar Review
“Paul Sharp seminar today at the gym. I only was able to make it to the second of two days but I still got plenty to work on. If you have been at this Jiu Jitsu thing for a while you won’t see anything new at a Paul Sharp self defense seminar. That sounds like a bad thing but it is just the opposite. It is the best thing. Paul patiently teaches you how to take the Jiu Jitsu you already train and use and make it work to save your life. Simple changes to mindset, adjustments to techniques, and specific training methods make all the difference. You will meet very few people with the wealth of experience to teach this stuff well. As a coach I approach Paul’s seminars with an eye for understanding how to teach and what to teach. I got plenty of that today. In a Jiu Jitsu world with guards named after animals and alphabet letters it’s nice to simplify and go back to the warrior roots of the arts. As Paul says- Good Jiu Jitsu should take you easily from harsh words to hand grenades. I got that today. Thanks Paul!”

Coach Matt’s Seminar Review
“At least once a year I try and have coach Paul Sharp teach his MDOC (stands for Multi-Disciplinary-Optimization-Course: ) seminar at SBG HQ.I do that for three reasons.First, as SBG coaches, we have an obligation to understand the self-defense aspects of what we do. Most people don’t sign up with us because they want to compete in a Jiu-Jitsu tournament, or fight in a cage. Those can be worthwhile pursuits, for sure, but that’s not why they walk in the door. They cross that threshold because at one time or another they were scared. People come to us because they want to know how to defend themselves.That’s not something to take lightly. It is something to respect, and honor. The kinds of things Paul teaches and talks about are the kinds of things every SBG instructor should know intimately. If you don’t, you’re failing at your job.Second, I want to remind our student base that there is no better delivery-systems for real world violence, fighting, and self-defense than those we offer at SBG.For example, at the heart of all weapons defense and retention, be it a knife, stick, or gun, sits “clinch.” The handfighting, posture, pushing, pulling, and controlling that comes from years of wrestling using the delivery systems of Greco, Folkstyle, Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, and the other functional clinch systems.And third, as one of my female coaches said after the event: “Training with you (Paul) always makes me feel so powerful.”That’s a wonderful statement, and it’s also very important. It’s easy to forget who you are.It’s easy to forget that violence is what we do everyday at the gym. It’s easy to forget that we are fighting every week against other people who are also good at fighting. It’s easy to forget how effortless it can be to manage someone on the ground who has no wrestling or BJJ; how simple it is to dump someone on their head who has no standing grappling like Greco or Judo; and how powerless someone who has never boxed a day in their life will feel the moment they make the mistake of exchanging blows with someone who has.The occasional reminder that you, the combat athlete, are the apex predator of the self-defense eco-system is both healthy, and necessary. Nothing is more tragic than seeing a lifelong wrestler think he needs to learn Krav Maga, (or some special “street” system). That’s someone who doesn’t know what he’s capable of. Showing him is our responsibility.As Paul said during the seminar, there are savannah lions and zoo lions. They look the same, but they’re very different animals. The thing to remember is that it’s the combat athlete who is the true savannah lion. The zoo lions are the guys who tell you what you do is “sport.” The zoo lions are the LARPers.For more than 25 years we at SBG have been reminding people that, while circumstances will dictate tactics, the root skills you develop at stand-up, clinch, and ground remain the same. There’s no “street” mount escape. There is what we do everyday for MMA, well done fundamentals. Everything else is nonsense.The best way to become safer is to become more dangerous. That’s what we do best. Making good people more dangerous to bad ones. If you haven’t hosted or attended Paul’s event, you should. It’s laser focused on that noble mission. “
When it comes to violence, the best way to become much safer is to become much more dangerous.
But – only always.
Be Sure To Keep An Eye On SBGU For MDOC 2 And Sharps Dry Fire Series
Rickson’s Book “Breathe”

Here’s an exert pulled by Matt-
“I always tried to work from a place of discomfort and would often line up all my students and tell them that I was going to have a match with each of them. If anyone could survive more than three minutes, they were the winner. The only submission I was allowed was an armlock on their left arm. If I beat nineteen of them, but one guy lasted longer than three minutes, I’d go home feeling sick. That gave me the taste of defeat, and I kept that taste in my mouth at all times by constantly creating challenges that kept me connected with defeat.” – Rickson Gracie (Breathe: page 180)
Matt Drops A Preview From His Conversation With Robert Verdell
“Robert Verdell sent me this, and it’s fascinating. Keep on eye on the grappling in the background as he talks. You’ll recognize so many things. I disagree with the commentator on his “street versus sport” opinion. But the footage and history is wonderful.I had never heard of Oda before.”
Matt And His Better Half Salome On Growing Gorillas
“I had a great time talking family and life with the Davisons for the Growing Gorilla podcast. I do quite a few podcasts, but this is one of the few times you’ll get to see and hear from my better half. I also think it’s the only time we’ve been on something together. You’ll see quickly why I married her.”
Top Notch Performances From The Athletes Out Of SBG Birmingham
“Still riding that fight night high! WHAT A NIGHT!
Congratulations to all of our Spartans that stepped in the cage and went to battle on Saturday for @b2_fightingseries .
Your coaches don’t just talk about it, they BE ABOUT IT!
We had 3 great wins, a couple of tough losses, and a great night overall! We’re so thankful for all of the support we received from our tribe. It wouldn’t be the same without you all! Be sure to congratulate your coaches when you see them!

Haueter Visits SBG So-Cal
“Awesome seminar today with legendary Chris Haueter and super partner Melissa Haueter always a super unique and humbling experience, working some great detail on the RNC, making Daniella May Lee Means even more dangerous, great job Marco Sanchez II on hosting this, looking forward to part 2#TheDirtyDozen#onetribeonevibe#bjjlifestyle ” – Jon Bond‘
Fundamentals and “The Best” Jiu Jitsu
From Matt-
“If you can find the fundamentals that drive the delivery system, you can learn anything. If you know how to train those fundamentals with Aliveness, you can get good at anything.What are the fundamentals? Not what’s most basic, but rather, what’s most important.How do you find them? By asking what can be removed and what cannot. Where you find necessity you find a fundamental.Based in factual truth, not subjective style, fundamentals, like truth, are a measurement that is likely to admit to ever increasing complexity. And like all scientific truth, if those fundamentals were forgotten tomorrow, they’d be destined for reinvention when the need arose.”

“I talk a lot about fundamentals and efficiency. And I’m often asked: what is a “fundamental,” or, what do you mean by “efficiency”?In this short video, I explain that as succinctly as I can.If you want to understand how and why BJJ works, watch this.”