SBG Buford Starts The Month Off Right!
“What a weekend for SBG! It wasn’t all about MMA this past Saturday, as our tribe also had a great showing at NEWBREED, bringing home a whole lot of new hardware . We had veteran Jiu Jitsu athletes alongside first time competitors, all of whom got out there and put it on the line, testing their skill, mind, and body. A big thanks to a Coach Sean for spending the day at at NEWBREED before heading straight to the NFC event to help coach our MMA team. One Tribe One Vibe!!”

Across The Globe SBG Cape Town South Africa Gets Their Second Venue –
“SBG Cape Town is proud to announce that it has secured a second venue to facilitate Adult kickboxing, Adult cardio only-based BoxFit, Children’s kickboxing / Taekwondo and Children’s beginner jiu-jitsu.SBG Cape Town (satellite venue) – Carlton Close, Longbeach
Classes available:
- Adult kickboxing
- Adult cardio-based BoxFit
- Children’s kickboxing / Taekwondo
- Children’s beginner Brazilian jiu-jitsu (9 to 13 years)
SBG Cape Town (HQ) – Sunnydale RdClasses available:
- Children’s Brazilian jiu-jitsu (5 to 17 years old)
- Adult Brazilian jiu-jitsu Foundation level
- SBG Combatives (self-defence)
- Adult Brazilian jiu-jitsu (Fundamentals & advanced level)
- MMA fighters class (by invitation only)
For further information on our two venues; please email”

Up And Coming SBG Athlete Patrick Lehane Announces His Newest Sponsor –
“The team just keeps growing and I am grateful to all those who are investing and believing in my dreamMy fourth sponsor is API Clinics , James is a hypno-psychotherapist who assists people to overcome challenges , enhancing self empowerment and self development.Mind over matterWell with my team I don’t MIND where the fight is and my opponent don’t MATTER!!Pa Lehane mma , Coach Liam-Og Griffin, API Clinics, Safe Water Engineering, Blizzard Sport , Bua Health & Fitness ,Team SBG Cork CityTeam work makes dreamworkI still have some room on my walkout shirt if anyone else wants to join me”He still has a few spaces left. Click HERE to reach out.

Matt Announces His Newest Series In Filming “S.MA.C” –
“Have you ever wondered about SBG’s approach to weapons training?I just posted some video footage from 2004, where I explain just that. Now up, in the SBG University group page:

Some Good Words From Matt Inman On Sorting Through Loss-
“Finally it can help if a fighter maintains a sense of perspective. Whilst a defeat can seem like a crushing blow, the unfortunate truth is that most of the worst things that happen to us in life are not going to be defeats in sport, they are more likely to be the things that hit you unexpectedly on some otherwise unremarkable Tuesday morning. Furthermore things move so quickly in this game that even a dramatic defeat is generally all but forgotten about by everyone but the fighters involved within the following days, weeks and months. The most important things in our life, family and real friends, will still be there regardless of the outcome.” Click HERE for the full blog post.

Alex Enlund On Attitude –
Attitude is a returning theme. Being successful isn’t something that people arive at, it’s a constant journey. As Matt Inman pointed out in his blog it’s important to deal with failures and fualts and more importantly realize they aren’t permanent.
It’s how we would through those bad times.
And as Alex points out here it’s not just the bad times when attitude matters.
“Attitude is everything when it comes to working with athletes and despite the number of personality types a handful of traits I really admire include…Dedicated & DisciplinedAlways in relatively good shape, looking after their body and improving their skills away from preparing for a contest.Crave FeedbackThey want the honest truth regardless of what would be nice to hear, a preference for adjustments over praise but not too hard on themselves.Love for the GameThey love not only the challenge of competition and chasing championships or rankings but also watching fight sports as a fan and analytically.BounceBackAbilityWhen things don’t go there way in a contest or training session they build on the performance in the future and continue to make improvements undeterred.”

SBG Korea representing VIA Korea’s Spec Ops –
“SBG is about making good people more dangerous to bad people.This can be from school children to LEOs and professional soldiers.At SBG Korea we are doing our part.” – John Frankl
Timeline Error. These Next Stories are one’s we missed due to an error in newsletter timing. Be sure to check them out!
From Jason Lancucki-
“An incredible evening with the #worldsgreatesttribe @ SBGTORONTO celebrating the recognition of these two amazing humans! Wegen Chow and Mark Garcia…SBGTORONTO’s newest Brown Belts! Achievement unlocked!! Levelled Up!!!”

Congratulations to Montana’s Newest Blue Belts
Tim Ward, Michael Shelton, Carson Baker, and Aaron Locklear. Well done!

Don’t Forget About Ray Price At SBG Reno
Congratulations to your newest blue belt Julius Malagar. Well done Julius.

Congratulations To Our South African Tribe And Their Newest Brown Belt Darron Wilson-Harris
From Steve Bazea -“Congratulations to my third brown belt at SBG Cape Town and longest training student; Darron Wilson-Harris. Darron has seen our development from training with the sum total of three Velcro mats to a gym that has produced outstanding athletes and students. Congratulations also to our three new Blue Belts; Peter Solomon, Peter Hermann and Tarquin Ogilvie who have all come back from injuries and shown that with a fundamental approach their game and performance remained intact – well done SBGérs!”

Practice What You Preach
For years Matt has been pushing isolation sparring as one of the best ways to get better. Seems he and Roger have something in common. Here’s what Matt got from this BJJEE article.
“Sounds awfully familiar. SBG has been doing what Roger calls “specific sparring,” for 25 years. The difference is, that’s what we call “drilling,” aka: Aliveness. ” – Matt Thornton
“I don’t drill, but I am a huge fan of specific sparring. For me, specific sparring is where I make the most improvements and refine my technique. Don’t be afraid to put yourself in tough situations. You learn every time you tap. Let go of your ego and watch your Jiu Jitsu get better.” – Roger Gracie
SBG Pushing To Make Every Day Better Than The Last –
“Never regret a day in your life. Good days give happiness, bad days give experiences, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.”—Professor Richard Feynman