Camp Is Back
For those of you that missed out make sure you register early for the next one. Here’s a sneak peak of Matt’s section, reviewing the history of SBG and the why/how for where we are today.

Sneak Preview Of Un-Pinnable
“April’s SBG video podcast is pure gold!
Coach Raymond Price walks you through some of the most important principles that exist within Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and along the way he shares his hard earned lessons from the last 20 years.
You don’t want to miss this, now showing at our SBG HQ YouTube channel.
Make sure you like and subscribe for frequent updates. ” – Coach Matt Thornton
Camp Promotion Of Chris Connoley

“Feeling gratitude in abundance after a weekend with my extended tribe. Thank you to everyone that came out to @sbgalabama for Spring Camp to make it such a success and a massive thank you to my coach @aliveness_ape for the upgrade. #SBG
#rolltribe #SBGSpringCamp2022″

Truth Of Martial Arts
“Fear not if you don’t speak Japanese! The one nice thing I can say about bullshit is that it transcends language.” – John Frankl
SBG Portland Foundation Coach On Gift Of Violence

“I had so much fun this weekend, “accidentally” teaching “The gift of violence.” Disclaimer, I have this book on pre-order, all I know is the title and the writer. But the concept hit me.
A student asked: “Coach, what happens if we’re grabbed from behind? It’s happening in my neighborhood.”
I was able to access 30 years of knowledge, a high level wrestler and a specific curriculum to have a specific answer I could teach. Not kung fu. Not “reverse groin strike, etc.”
Empirical evidence based violence to match violence.
Base. Posture. Movement to connection (underhook to bodylock). Takedown. Controlled mount. Thought based attack to get a response. Control. Attack. Disable (Rear naked choke). GO HOME to our loved ones.
Violence is a gift. I’m going to wait for the book and/or talk to Matt Thornton, but in my opinion, I answered a question correctly. After 2 days, I was able to recreate it. My students were able to recreate it with aliveness.
Attack to attacker disable: 21seconds. Given time for RNC to be effective, <40 seconds until my student is calling police safely from her car. I included verbal “commands” through high level self defense coaches. I gave the gift of (if needed) violence.
I am feeling the most accomplished I have in some time.
Thank you to “assistant coaches” read: Friends, belts above me to work through this. And thank you to Lee Marshall for being my “attacker”. I know you know the “F this guy!” was at bizarro Lee. .”
From Ray Price –
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s an awesome and humbling opportunity to be a coach.
Thank you to you Emery, for taking the time to not only write a hand written thank you letter but for also going the extra mile to send it where you did.
Emery wanted to share his excitement and appreciation for my seminar that he attended.
Again, so very humbling to be able to reach another human being at this level. I love to coach, I love to learn, I love to share the things I find in hopes to make the community better.
I share this only to remind myself and other coaches to remember the way we can effect those we teach.”

Jiu Jitsu And Travel From Coach Leah Taylor
“I feel fortunate to be able to travel and train again. It has become an important way for my Jiu Jitsu to grow now that I don’t compete as much. I always have tough matches and I learn a lot during the technique portions. The seminars and camps are an important mental and physical reset for me. They are also a way to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. They are the type of trips that change your perspective and allow growth in ways you may not have considered.
My very favorite camp of the year is quickly becoming our annual SBG ladies’ camp. Women of any affiliation are welcome to train. We choose a different gym to host each year. Very recently we began to make it more of a lifestyle camp. The women from the host gym plan awesome activities to follow our training each day. We always roll together, but it is during the activities that the women really have a chance to get to know each other. We have gone shooting, paddle boarding, listened to live music, hiked, and this year I think we will be adding some rock climbing to the list. This year’s camp will be in Reno, Nevada. It does change things to have the room full of women. I think some of the ladies that would not normally speak up feel like they can. We have even had people participate in Jiu Jitsu for the first time at ladies’ camp! The rolls are more even. The conversations are just different. Rather than participants, the women in the room are expected to lead.” Click Here For The Full Article.

On The Other End Of The Martial Arts Spectrum
“One con-artist entertaining another. A game of fraud, where every player is lying. Fascinating to watch.
What’s essential is the cooperative dummy. Their primary qualification is always over-acting, and a complete lack of self-respect.” – Matt Thornton
First Camp Back A Huge SMASH HIT!
“BG Spring Camp 2022 is in the books! We are so proud to have had everyone from our extended tribe come to Alabama on the 30th anniversary of SBG and we hope you all had a great camp experience. Thank you to all of our instructors and everyone that attended! Everyone leveled up this weekend and made some lifelong connections along the way. This tribe is like no other!
#onetribeonevibe #oldschool” -SBG Alabama

Coach Matt Heads To Idaho
“Looking forward to having El Presidente, Coach Matt Thornton, visit our mats next week! Spend the weekend with us improving your jiu-jitsu in every way!
To reserve your spot, see the front desk, call in, or register online!!!”

“Time for the yearly seminar at SBG Idaho.
The renovated gym looks amazing, and, as always, the coaching staff is doing a phenomenal job representing SBG in all the arenas our athletes compete in.
It was also an honor to be present as coach Paul Sharp awarded Darrell Flores his black belt.
Today we worked the fundamentals of closed guard. Tomorrow, open guard.
Fall Camp will be here at SBG Idaho, and I’m already looking forward to it”

Every single belt we give is discussed and agreed upon by all the SBG Idaho blackbelts.
No belt is less important. All are given equal consideration and discussion. Because every belt represents all of us.
This belt however, involved zero discussion beyond; when? Darrell Flores was long overdue and today we squared it up with SBG Founder and President Matt Thornton present.
Congratulations on your Blackbelt my brother!! You exhibit all the traits we look for in an SBG Blackbelt. You give to the Tribe more than you get, and it’s our honor to tie this belt around your waist today!!

SBG UK’s Newest Black Belt
“Honoured to award @alexenlund_ his black belt today.

An amazing athlete who is just as comfortable with or without the gi, with strikes and without.
He’s flown the flag for jiu jitsu in MMA, taking down and submitting opponents repeatedly.
As a coach he’s taken athletes from scratch to the highest level.
He’s built an incredible community at @sbgsouthshields from nothing, always sharing the benefits of jiu jitsu, both physical and mental, with his students.
Personally I’ve had a relationship with Alex as a training partner, a coach, a student and most importantly as a trusted friend.
Congratulations, a well earned and long overdue belt.”