The Cold Reality Of Violence In The USA Right Now
From Matt Thornton –‘More than a dozen American cities set all time murder records in 2021, including Portland, which had its most violent year on record.One of the most infuriating things about this was that it was all, 100% predictable. We knew it would happen – and we know the reasons why it happed; and no, covid isn’t one of them.One of the gifts I gave to some friends this Christmas was Michael Shellenberger’s excellent “San Fransicko.” In it Shellenberger breaks down the specific policies that have led to the violence, the murders, and the ever increasing homeless camps. Given what’s happening I’d say this is one of the more important books written in recent years. If we want to stop the slaughter and clean up our cities, we will have to stop these polices, and cease electing the kinds of people who promote them.You can check the book out here:…/dp/0063093626And I can’t recommend his substack enough:…/why…It doesn’t have to be this way. This bloodshed can be dramatically reduced.”

There Is Some Hope
Not everyone in media is following the same suit. Surprisingly CNN had a journalist that actually put in some effort in finding out what is going on out in the streets.
Regardless Of What The World Is Doing, You Should Stay Positive
Overheard in kids class today.Coach Chris asks a student how they were doing with the technique.Student: “I’m terrible at this!”Coach Chris, without skipping a beat:“Hey, we don’t talk bad about ourselves here. Come on, I’m going to help you.”

Rickson On Kron’s MMA Fight
“I don’t like taking the toughest path, I like taking the door that’s open, the easier way to win. The quickest, the more efficient way, and causing less pain and trauma, the better. If I can beat the guy in 10 seconds in a way he doesn’t even feel pain, that to me is the best possible [outcome].”– Rickson Gracie

The first SBG podcast of 2022 is here!
We start the new year out right by having a conversation with old-school SBG coach, former police officer, and self-defense expert, Paul Sharp.Our last conversation with Paul had 193k views, and almost 3000 comments. It’s clear people are hungry for open and honest conversations about difficult topics. That’s exactly what you get here.Topics include:– Keeping your Jiu-Jitsu “fighting” effective.– Drills that can ensure combat sports classes remain “street applicable.”– How the Jiu-Jitsu of the first generation of Americans was more Vale-Tudo centered.– Why you don’t need a special “street” class.– How rules affect the evolution of a delivery system.– SBG’s first ever instructional about firearms, Paul Sharp’s upcoming “Dry-Fire Video Series.”– SBG philosophy regards weapons, and how the base-posture-connection model applies perfectly to guns.– Paul’s MDOC 2 program, a series designed for people who already have experience in a combat sport, and want to make sure they have solid self-defense applications.– Why clinch and standing grappling is so important; and how to incorporate it into every class you teach.– Floyd Mayweather’s use of hand-fighting.– Balancing physical conditioning, health, time, and training as you age.– Paul’s daily training regime.– Paul’s advice to his younger self, and why he’d focus more on escapes and survival.– Why Paul’s a vegetarian, and does he recommend that to others.– How Paul kept going through tough times.– How to handle and overcomes great adversity.– The benefits of mediation, and how that can affect internal dialogue.– Dealing with negative self-talk, and self-sabotage.– Why connection to others is so critical.– Whether willpower come first, or, do we discover what we can do after we’ve been challenged.– How to prepare others for what may be the hardest day of their life.– Why how you do even the smallest of daily activities, like washing the dishes, matters.– How big a problem “bad cops” actually are.– What the “thin blue line” really means– How incidents involving bad police officers should be handled.– The Kyle Rittenhouse case.– Why everyone should learn and understand self-defense law.– Why no, despite what the Rittenhouse prosecutor says, you never have to “take a beating.”– The Kim Potter case.– Why training for law enforcement is so important, and why it makes everyone safer.– Much-much more.Make sure you share, subscribe, and above all else have a Happy New Year!Per Angusta Ad Augusta.
Congratulations Coach Marco Sanchez And SBG SoCal For Making A Difference!
From Coach Marco Sanchez –
“On Wednesday, January 5th, SBG SoCal and I received official commendations from the Pasadena Chief of Police on behalf of the department. It is a great honor and I’m happy to help those that continue to protect our community. Pasadena has been one of the pioneers in the movement to improve training and add Jiu Jitsu into their Defensive Tactics program. We have been partnered with Pasadena Police since 2020, and I’m proud of the work the officers have put into their training and their continued commitment to the program:“More important than the lower number of force incidences is the more effective application of force by officers. The officers are using effective grappling-based techniques…and communicating more effectively than before. Members of the Defensive Tactics Team believe these results are directly related to the training provided at SBG by Coach Marco Sanchez.” – John E. Perez, Chief of Police”

Happy New Years From SBG Texas
K is a private person so we agreed not to reveal his name as we are sharing his post in our private group here.His post on the New Year’s eve was just perfect in capturing our values, goals and mission. THIS is why we do what we do.We really appreciate K sharing his thoughts and experience with us.Let’s continues to make ourselves a better person and make our lives better together in the year 2022! ——————————————————————-Happy New Year to all of you SBG addicts!I wish everyone this upcoming year to have many submissions, many many rolls, and many many many new moves.Huge THANK YOU to all the coaches and fellow students.You have kept me motivated, hungry for being challenged, and all of you I rolled with have given me important lessons on humbleness
On the top of that, it has been hella fun!I’m looking forward to continue this journey with you all.I also want to give special Thanks to coach Michael and coach Kaylee.For opening the gym.For putting a lot of effort into training and progress of ALL the students.For being so welcoming and making me feel that I belong.For making the gym a place of peace, kindness, and courage.A place that shows how to be brave, not reckless. Where the effort is recognized and hard work awarded.A place that truly teaches, “Respect everyone. Fear no one.”You have changed my mindset from trying to achieve perfection and be goal oriented, to striving for excellence and trust the process.You have changed my future.I appreciate everything you have given me.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.In 2021 I had lost my purpose. SBG has given it back.I had felt weak, hopeless, discouraged, and defeated.These days I feel freaking fearless! I’m resilient, determined, I feel driven, I feel ready.Joining the gym is one of the best decisions I have made in my life.The gym, Jiu-Jitsu, the coaches and fellow students have made me a better person.Happy New Year everyone!2022 will be great.Thank you all. You people are awesome!My 2022 resolution: 200+ hours of classes. Watch me!“ONE TRIBE. ONE VIBE.”