Record breaking promotions, Throw back Thursdays, and MORE!
But first- Matt has a conversation with long standing SBG Black belt and Officer, Ray Price
From Matt-
“Nationwide, policies and budgets related to law enforcement are being changed. Given that, I couldn’t think of many people better to talk to this month than SBG coach, Raymond Price.In addition to being a BJJ black belt, Ray has been a police officer for 21 years. He’s also been an LE trainer for 20 of those years.I want to thank Ray for taking the time to do this. Ray’s two decades of experience can add a lot to this conversation.
Founding member of SBG Montana recieves his brown belt. Well Earned Zach Dickson
Zach Dickson was one of the very first few members of SBG Montana when Travis started on his journey to taking over the state. Well done Zach, we know Travis is proud.

Montana Prepares For Matt’s Second Seminar Of The YEAR
“A lifetime of mastering the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu returns to Kalispell, Montana. 🏔SBG Founder & President Matt Thornton brings his world-class coaching to SBG Montana in the best BJJ seminar of the year. 💯
Join us for the 2020 BJJ Seminar with SBG’s Matt Thornton. 🦍🥋
Saturday, July 18th & Sunday, July 19th
10 AM – 1 PM
$200 Both Days | $125 One Day
Open to all ages and levels of experience. Call today to register, (406) 752-7244.
Old School BJJ Highlights the President and VP in a classic DVD series
“Professor Matt Thornton from the Straight Blast Gym has been putting out quality training material for quite a while.
Here he is showing a great drill that everyone should include in their training. Some of you may remember this VHS tape set from 1999 called ‘BJJ for MMA’
Still great material!
Just Google Straight Blast Gym for lots of great info.
#oldschooljiujitsu #oldschoolbjj #straightblastgym #sbgi #bjjselfdefense #mattthornton
Podcast Highlight- Matt and Ray Price Cover What They Think Can Help In Police Training
The Legend
A passion project from one of the many people that Karl Tanswell left a life long impression on.
Never Out Of Our Minds
SBG Student shares some love and passion with some art.
From Adam Shaver”Sadly I couldn’t hand deliver my drawing that I spent 2 nights on to Coach Matt Thornton, the founder and president of the gym that I have grown to love. 2 fellow SBG members selflessly went out of their way to ensure our coach’s coach got to receive it before he heads back home. Thank you Ed Ralls and Ryan Caron. You 2 rock! Coach Matt, I wish I could have delivered it myself, but in the end am very happy that you are pleased with the end result.
#SBG Life 🤙🏽🦍🥋🥊❤”

“When we do our job right the next generation surpasses us. Here is proof. SBG’s two newest brown belts. Well done, Ricky and Stella Davison”

“The BJJ belt at SBG means something because it symbolizes a measurable skill-set that cannot be faked anymore than someone could fake being able to speak another language, or play an instrument.At each belt the first criteria is that you can play the game competitively at that level, using technical Jiu-Jitsu. As you advance that remains necessary, but becomes less sufficient.From purple on, teaching becomes a larger aspect of what matters. You need to be able to pass the art on.At brown, your ability to evaluate and grade others has to be considered. That way, when your time comes to grade your own black belts the SBG standard doesn’t drop.Finally, for black, there’s the additional quality of leadership that’s considered. An SBG black belt represents all of us. That’s tougher to quantify, but I always know it when I see it.Kisa Davison has met and exceeded all these standards. Today I was proud to award her the well earned black belt.This was my 34th black belt. Each is significant. This one in particular meant a lot to me. Too much to speak. Kisa’s as much a sister as she is a student. With her I always know the organization is in good hands. “

“SBG has a new female black belt in their ranks! Congratulations Kisa Davison!!You didn’t need the belt to lead from the front but the color certainly suits your role better! ♥️♥️♥
Staying Focused
There are hard and crazy times going on all around the world right now. It’s important to remember the things that you come back to when you aren’t sure any more, when the noise settles we always come back to the same things. Remember those, remember what matters, and HOLD FAST.