Last Month’s Podcast
From coach Matt-
“October’s SBG Podcast is here!“Feeling good about a problem and actually solving a problem are two very different things.” – Steve SalernoThis month I talk with best-selling author and professor of media ethics, Steve Salerno.Steve wrote the book “SHAM, How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless,” in 2005. In it he takes aim at the entire industry, including some of its most famous hucksters, like Tony Robbins. The book had a major impact on my thinking at the time, and, given our current zietgeist, its lessons seem even more relevant now.In this hour long conversation we discuss critical thinking, wishful thinking, problems with the “self-help” industry, media bias and dishonesty, crime, homelessness, and much more.It was a real pleasure to talk with Steve, and I hope you enjoy the discussion as much as I did.
Camp Is Back!
-Check Out Coach Adam Singer’s Review-

“Two Years In The Making. Warning, Long:The last camp was held in October 2019, in Niagara Falls Canada. When I hugged my friend’s goodbye and traveled back to Georgia I had no idea it would be two years until I saw most of them again. I started two versions of this review, and quickly realized that nobody wants to hear about the Singer Brothers travels, how many donuts I ate, the sketchy walk to downtown Reno, the stores that sell formerly (currently legal) illegal substances, the awesome Chinese food place we found or the friends I had missed terribly and the long hugs. Two years is a long time, F*&K you Covid.This years Camp theme was “Connection Beyond BJJ,” which is what camps in SBG are always actually about.My brother Rory says that “Martial arts are the least important thing we do,” culture and connection being the most important. I could not agree more. So here is the second review, the one fit for public consumption.I cant believe how much I missed Camp, which is such a funny work when I tell my “normal” friends I’m going to camp. When the taxi driver asked Rory and I why we were in town, Camp just doesn’t shed much light. We train, we laugh, we hug, we eat, we “drink.” We connect.Friday night started off with two great sections.John Boone cleaning up leg drag and teaching us some (Euclidian) geometry.Leah Taylor showed us how mastering one back take and one movement will get us the back from a bunch of different places.Open mat was lit (do the kids still say that) and if anyone claims they smashed me they are lying, maybe.Saturday morning we had a huge (and very early) striking session taught by yours truly, from new strikers to professional MMA vets, I showed the room how everyone can work in an alive manner while safely training striking. Many local donuts were brought and eaten.Saturday was a blur. Sharp started us off in the way only he can, his positivity and energy are infectious especially while teaching subjects that can be really scary. Paul always leaves people feeling confident in their ability to protect themselves. Intelligent and live training transcends all arena.Coach Matt was next and he taught one of my favorite lessons. Coach focused on base and highlighted how one can derive the principles of efficient BJJ by working on the basic headlock escapes.After lunch and open it was my turn for the first time in a long time. I taught jujitsu, which I generally don’t do. I feel biased in saying it was the best lesson ever taught by humans, so I’ll let you say it.Henry Akins was Saturdays closer and did a Mariano Rivera (read a book) like job in his debut. He did not let us down and he is another fine addition to SBGs coaching staff. He really loves to smush people.Thankfully we had Salome around, for the final session of Saturday, to help bring us all back to the center with her unique mix of breathing and movement. Her sessions make Sunday a lot easier.Saturday night we all got together at a restaurant and closed down the main Casino bar. It feels impossible to pack that much cool into one place, but SBG can do it.I did not get up Sunday for Open mat but I heard it was packed. More donuts where consumed (I don’t have diabetes at camp, its like magic), thanks Doc.Ray got us started with a scientific breakdown of connection. Ray is a great example of having attributes and not using them, thankfully, I do suggest not letting him get on top of you.Side note, thank you to Momentum MMA and Ray for hosting and Ray for making sure everything went so smooth.Thank you Kristen for taking great care of Rory and I. We can be pains but its mostly Rory, so I’m sorry.Rory made his long-awaited come back coaching at camp and shared a some great material about controlling distance in ½ guard. It was great to see him out there on the main stage.After Lunch, the very large and strong Chad Aichs, gave us a lesson on “Rooting” and bracing the core, I could feel my squat max going up just listening to him.The very handsome and funny Phillipe Gentry, of the Dirty South, taught an very important lesson on anti-wrestling, something we all can use more of.The final session is always taught by the VP Travis Davison, and its always one of my favorites regardless of topic. He knows how beat and tried everyone is by Sunday but his attitude and swagger lift the entire room. Watching him grab one of his wonderful kids as his Uke brings me great joy and sadness that the weekend is about to end.I was sad to leave this years camp and it took me about a week to recover, we joke and call them post camp blues (plus no sleep and jetlag).I am already counting down the days to Spring camp 2022, just tell me where and I wouldn’t miss it. Thank you to old friends and new, the Montana crew, the Boise Boys, the Mass gang, I will miss all of you.If you couldn’t make it (Canadians, The Brits, Foreigners, Whittier, Chris C, Frankl) know that you were missed, especially by me. – Adam Singer”

Welcome Mike Sian and Spectrum Fitness and Martial Arts To SBG
From co-owner and better half Rachelle Sian –
“Coach Mike Sian, Grandpa coach Raymond Price and Great Grandpa coach Matt Thornton…. I feel a little … little… by the end of the week, we will be officially SBG North Dakota!! I’m so excited! Spectrum Fitness Minot Spectrum Martial Arts – Minot”
Some Wisdom From Coach Paul Sharp
Be Sure To Check Out this Month’s Podcast Featuring Coach Stephen Whittier
Coming This Monday Coach John Frankl’s First SBGU Release
-The Universal Sprawl-
Coming This Monday Coach John Frankl’s First SBGU Release
From Coach Matt Thornton –“Don’t let anyone fool you, writing a book is hard work. Writing a good book is even harder. It took me seven years, but I think I’ve accomplished that.What violence is, where it comes from, and how you can keep yourself and those you love safe. 30 years of experience condensed into 280 pages.I won’t be doing publicity, interviews, or podcasts until we get nearer the release date in May. However, I wanted to give my friends and fellow SBG members a heads up – you can pre-order your copy today!Thanks for all the questions, comments, and interest all of you have had over the years regarding this book. I sincerely appreciate it. This book is for all of you.Now, let’s make it a best-seller.”